...& the name?

STRETCH is the name of the rescue dog who I saved from the streets of Barcelona. He was with me while harvesting potatoes on the rooftop terrace in Barcelona. He moved with us to Malmö in 2012. He ran alongside while cycling up to the allotment where he sat under the blackcurrant bushes & watched ‘gardening’ happen all around him. He then continued to 'help' to prepare the first growing beds at Los Perros Urban Farming.

A few years ago Stretch decided to get old for real, life caught up on him & after 14 years together (who knows how old he really was) it was time to say farewell. I’m honoured to have had him in my life for so many years, moving cities together & raising a child with him, I’m all the richer for having spent life in his presence. Knowing that the farm is named in him honour means that his sprit will always live on.

LOS PERROS means THE DOGS in Spanish. As Stretch has been there through this whole crazy journey, it feel’s like the perfect homage to the best friend & most loyal supporter.